Seeing South / Credits
A project of the Probebühne 4, September 23, 2014 through February 22, 2015
Curators: Ulrike Folie, Markus Schindlbeck
Collaboration: Indra Lopez Velasco
Design: scala Ausstellunggestaltung, Günter Krüger
Graphic design: Antonia Neubacher
Copy editing: Elke Kupschinsky
Translation: Karl Hoffmann, Galina Green
Our thanks for their support to Leonie Gärtner, Heinz-Günther Malenz, Santiago Engelhardt, Jörg Hauser and Andrea Rostásy.
Our sincere thanks to all the institutions and individuals involved, for permission to use the films or film excerpts. We have attempted to contact all copyright holders and to obtain the necessary permissions to use the materials included. Should any rights have been inadvertently and, either in part or in whole, infringed or not appropriately credited, we would request those concerned inform the Humboldt Lab Dahlem.
Seeing South / Imprint Documentation
Publisher: Humboldt Lab Dahlem, a project of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes and the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (2012-2015). Directors: Martin Heller, Viola König, Klaas Ruitenbeek, Agnes Wegner
Editor: Christiane Kühl
Collaboration: Carolin Nüser
Translation: Galina Green
As of July 2015
The texts included here represent the authors’ own views and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Humboldt Lab Dahlem. Unless otherwise specified, copyright remains with the Humboldt Lab Dahlem. Note for the PDF print version: all the links are available on the corresponding sub-pages of