Exhibiting Korea / Credits
A project in the framework of Probebühne 7, June 25 through October 18, 2015
Curator: Uta Rahman-Steinert
Curatorial advice: Shi-ne Oh
Assistant: Katharina I-Bon Suh
Design: scala Ausstellungsgestaltung, Günter Krüger
Exhibition setup: EMArt, Ruben Erber
Lighting: Victor Kégli, Wang Fu
Media equipment: cine plus
Graphic design: Renate Sander
Copy-editing: Elke Kupschinsky, Galina Green
Translation: Galina Green
Coordinator of exhibition loans: Anna Seidel
Restoration supervision: Juliane Wernicke
We would like to thank: Martin Baal
Exhibiting Korea / Imprint Documentation
Publisher: Humboldt Lab Dahlem, a project of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes and the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (2012-2015). Directors: Martin Heller, Viola König, Klaas Ruitenbeek, Agnes Wegner
Editor: Dagmar Deuring
Assistance: Carolin Nüser
Translations: Galina Green
As of October 2015
The texts shown here are the work of individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Humboldt Lab Dahlem. The copyrights belong to the Humboldt Lab Dahlem, if not indicated otherwise. Note for the PDF print version: all links can be accessed on the respective subpages of www.humboldt-lab.de.