Audio Guide Special – Storylines / Credits
A project of the Probebühne 5, November 9, 2014 through April 6, 2015
Exhibition curator for “Myth of the Golden Triangle”: Roland Platz
Artists behind the Audio Guide Special mash-up for “Myth of the Golden Triangle”: Serotonin (Marie-Luise Goerke, Matthias Pusch)
Narrators: Friedhelm Ptok, Simone Kabst
Interviews: Hansjörg Mayer, collector; Gretel Schwörer, ethnomusicologist, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Composition: Martin Daske
Artistic consultant: Gaby Hartel
Device engineers: Thomas Schwotzer, HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences; Niclas F. Jagoda, HTW Berlin student
Duration: Approx. 72 minutes
Audio Guide Special – Storylines / Imprint Documentation
Publisher: Humboldt Lab Dahlem, a project of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes and the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (2012-2015). Directors: Martin Heller, Viola König, Klaas Ruitenbeek, Agnes Wegner
Editor: Christiane Kühl
Assistance: Carolin Nüser
Translation: Sarah Matthews
As of July 2015
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