Game of Thrones / Credits
A project of the Probebühne 2, June 18 through October 27, 2013
Curator: Angela Rosenberg
Research assistant: Nadia Pilchowski
Exhibition construction: Nadine Ney, Günter Krüger
Model construction: Werkstatt für Theaterplastik, Berlin
Media support: eidotech, Berlin
Graphics: Renate Sander
Film collage: Daniel Kohl
Translation: Karl Hoffmann
Content and organizational support: Winfried Bullinger, Lars-Christian Koch, Uta Rahman-Steinert, Klaas Ruitenbeek, Ching-Ling Wang, Albrecht Wiedmann
Production of Zhao Zhao’s installation: Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Peter Klenke, Buchal-Kerzen, Reetzerhütten; Susan Si, Beijing; Martin Weber, ATND, Berlin
Konstantin Grcic: “migong,” 2013
mixed-media installation
mdf (model throne, screen, dais), galvanized steel tubes, tube connectors, mirror
variable dimensions
courtesy Konstantin Grcic
Kirstine Roepstorff: “Daughters of the Immortal Mother,” 2013
mixed-media installation
mdf (model throne, screen, dais), various materials (light objects)
variable dimensions
courtesy Studio Roepstorff, Berlin
Simon Starling: “Screen Screen,” 2013
mixed-media installation
mdf (model throne, screen), HD video projection with sound
variable dimensions
length: 6:24 min
camera: Christoph Manz
production and editing: Annette Ueberlein
music: “Tien-feng-huan-pei” (The Sound of the Jade Jewelry that Fills the Heavens), “Liang-xiao-yin”
(Merry Evening), played by Liang Mingyue (qin), “Yangguan san die—Parting at Yangguan”
(recorded 1975), ed. Artur Simon, 2002, in cooperation with the department for Musikethnologie,
Medien-Technik and Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv, Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Wergo SM 1706 2
courtesy Simon Starling; neugerriemschneider, Berlin
Zhao Zhao: “Waterfall,” 2013
mixed-media installation
mdf (model throne, screen, dais), paraffin wax, red pigment, computer, monitor screen
variable dimensions
courtesy Alexander Ochs Galleries Berlin | Beijing
Daniel Kohl: “babao suipian,” 2013
DVD, color, without sound, loop
length: 3:23 min
Game of Thrones / Imprint Documentation
Publisher: Humboldt Lab Dahlem, a project of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes and the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (2012-2015). Directors: Martin Heller, Viola König, Klaas Ruitenbeek, Agnes Wegner
Editor: Angela Rosenberg
Assistance: Carolin Nüser
Translation: Christopher Jenkin-Jones
As of March 2014
The texts shown here are the work of individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Humboldt Lab Dahlem. The copyrights belong to the Humboldt Lab Dahlem, if not indicated otherwise.
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